How Often Central Florida Residents Need to Seal Their Pavers

Owing to its coastal location, Florida (especially central areas like Orlando) is prone to severe rainfall. Harsh weather drifts from the east or west coast, typically from April to October. Between November and March, the climate becomes dry and sometimes dusty.

Unfortunately, harsher weather conditions can do a number on the pavers of Central Florida residents, many of whom are using paver sealants as an effective solution. But these sealants have an expiration date and can do with the occasional resealing to maintain their effectiveness.

Paver Seal Maintenance

Pavers need resealing every few years. Depending on the type and quality, the lifespan of sealants can vary widely. For instance, high-quality water-based sealants usually last between three and five years. Unlike water-based sealers that soak through the pavers, acrylic sealers only coat the surface, giving them a shorter average lifespan of two to three years.

Are sealers worth the maintenance? Yes, they add another chore to one’s to-do list, but the benefits far outweigh the costs, especially in Central Florida, where the sun and rain can be severe.

The Benefits of Sealing Pavers in Florida


Water Protection

The rain in Central Florida is high in salt content, quickly leading to rust and stains on exterior surfaces. Having water-proof sealant means there’s no need to worry about water damage (and the expensive repairs or replacements required to fix it).

Stain Protection

Aside from water, dirt, and oil, other contaminants can leave permanent stains on the surfaces of one’s home. Sealants are designed to protect pavers against these common problems and make them easy to clean with a quick hosing down.

Sun Protection

Water isn’t the only thing Florida residents need to add to their list of worries. During the summer months, where the sun is at its peak, the light, heat, and radiation can cause paver colors to fade. A sealant helps retain the original hue for much longer.

Mold, Mildew, and Weed Protection

Living microorganisms, some of which can negatively affect a household’s health, like to make their home between the crevices of unsealed pavers. Aside from preventing undesired growth, many sealants have stabilizing properties that harden the joint sand.

Aesthetic Improvement

Some sealants have a beautiful shiny finish that can improve the look of certain pavers. Many available sealants also enhance a surface’s color, making it look more vivid and brand new. Residents who prefer to retain their pavers’ original look can choose pavers that look practically invisible once dried.

Get Those Pavers Professionally Done

While going the DIY route is always a potential option, there are many benefits to getting one’s pavers professionally sealed. Sealing pavers is almost like an art form. The beauty and effectiveness of a finished paver depend on many factors, including:

  • Application consistency
  • Spraying equipment used
  • Sprayer tip type
  • Amount of sealer used
  • Type of sealer used
  • And many more

Only experts who seal pavers regularly can get everything done correctly. For the best results with the most cost-effective process, one needs a reliable team of professionals. Top Down Exterior Cleaning provides quality paver sealing in Lakeland Florida. Contact them for a free quotation to keep any property safe and pristine.

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